Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status is a hybrid procedure that allows certain children to obtain permanent residency. Unlike any other immigration process, SIJS requires part of the process be completed in state court and the final part to be completed before United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. Other agencies may become involved including Immigration Court, state juvenile protective services, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, a child is a single, never married person under the age of 21.

The purpose of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status is to help foreign national children within the United States who have suffered abuse, abandonment or neglect.

To be eligible, a child must be the subject of a state court order that states:

1. The child must be placed in the custody or care of an individual or entity appointed by the court;
2. The court must determine that reunification with one or both parents is not viable due to abuse, neglect or abandonment or similar basis under state or federal law.
3. The court must determine that it is not in the child’s best interest for the child to be returned to the child’s home country or the home country of his parents.

The child may then self petition United States Citizen and Immigration Services to become a permanent resident.

Steven Langer possesses exemplary experience with SIJS cases. He carefully can guide an SIJS case through Immigration Court, state court and through final approval by USCIS.